Test and system integration
From testing to long-term observations during operation: we advise you with interdisciplinary expertise. For precise test results during system integration.
Sustainable security in system integration. Thanks to precise test results. From test design to long-term observations during operation. Accompanied by analytical, interdisciplinary expertise.
The digitalisation of the railways is the key to maximising capacity on the track. At the same time, however, new technologies increase the complexity of the systems and their artefacts. The flawless orchestration of all components in every situation requires an increasing degree of interdisciplinary expertise, both on the rolling stock and the trackside. This is precisely why the expert teams for test and system integration at NEXTRAIL have mastered the entire range of specialist disciplines. With many years of experience and a high level of expertise in IT, systems and process knowledge. Combined with a high level of operational expertise in the railway sector. So begleitet NEXTRAIL Bahnbetreiber und Hersteller über die gesamten testbezogenen Prozesse (Testmanagement). Right through to commissioning and beyond.
In the area of rolling stock, NEXTRAIL supports the integration and roll-out of digital technologies by managing, optimising and carrying out tests for ETCS system compatibility (ESC tests) and, in the long term, other digital systems such as ATO. NEXTRAIL can accompany or carry out these ESC tests both on the track as field tests and, where technically possible and permitted by standards, also as laboratory tests.
Our teams for cross-phase and comprehensive system fault management have their own tooling for test execution, evaluation and documentation that has proven its worth in practice. On request, we are also happy to work with the established tooling of the partner or the respective project team. As part of the trackside system integration and the integration of digital technologies on and in the rolling stocks, we take care of the organisation, coordination and establishment of processes and contribute our expertise from lighthouse projects such as the Hamburg S-Bahn or Digital Node Stuttgart to the technical solution finding and evaluation.
Important aspect: NEXTRAIL carries out independent analyses during test definition and execution at the project level to be able to continue using test results from previous projects and thus optimise the scope and effort of testing, particularly on the test tracks.
Furthermore, after commissioning, we also support you with long-term monitoring of the system in the areas of operation and technology. Error elimination over long periods of time plays just as important a role as fulfilling and adapting the specifications.

Our services in the field of test and system integration:
NEXTRAIL is your competent partner in test management throughout the entire test process.
In addition to creating and tracking relevant test documents, such as test concepts, test plans and test reports, we also take on all tasks related to test execution as part of test management.
For example, we support you in the creation of test analyses and specifications, the implementation of tests, the documentation of results and error management. In all phases of test management, we rely on methodical knowledge, systemic expertise and years of experience.
We are happy to accompany you throughout the entire duration of your project and support you in the implementation of effective and efficient test management.
NEXTRAIL unterstützt Sie bei Ihrer Systemintegration, egal ob bei der Implementierung von Teilsystemen oder komplexen Systemlandschaften auf Strecken- und Fahrzeugseite, inklusive der Integration der Luftschnittstelle zu den On-Board Systemen im Fahrzeug.
Together with you, we plan the individual integration steps per subsystem and/or component along the system architecture and relevant release stages (from document creation to testing and acceptance) and continuously track the progress per phase.
We continuously integrate these system integration results into the project plan throughout the entire project life cycle.
At the same time, we support you with accompanying stakeholder management and integrated test management, including test execution if necessary, as part of the system integration.
We also provide you with ongoing support when coordinating with suppliers and manufacturers of subsystems and/or components.
NEXTRAIL accompanies the process integration parallel to the technical system integration over the entire life cycle of your project – right through to commissioning and beyond.
NEXTRAIL sets up efficient stakeholder and document management and supports process development and implementation through to process testing and the necessary acceptance steps. Our joint focus here is on ensuring comprehensive process coverage, combined with the associated establishment and testing of the processes, including the integration of process management into the project plan.
We therefore see process integration as an integral part of comprehensive system integration.
Your contact person
Here you will find your contact person for test and system integration

Dr Albrecht Achilles
Member of Executive Board, Head of ATO/TMS
Dr Albrecht Achilles is a member of the Executive Board and Head of ATO/TMS at NEXTRAIL GmbH. His broad specialist expertise is based on many years of experience as a technical consultant for control-command and signalling system, both on the operator and the manufacturer side. Dr Albrecht Achilles focuses on the technical area of the European Train Control System (ETCS), automatic train operation (ATO), traffic management systems (TMS) and signalling controlled warning systems (SCWS).
Headline zum Thema Success et magnis dis montes
Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
Prognostizierte Kostenreduktion durch Technologie Nr. 1
180 Mio. Euro in 2030 semper nisi. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi.