Optimisation of the static acceptance of ETCS balises and reduction in the cost of acceptance runs
The acceptance of ETCS is divided into a static balise acceptance and laboratory tests and acceptance runs. Both parts of the acceptance procedure are resource-intensive and utilise the scarce resources of the acceptance inspector.
In a joint work of NEXTRAIL and DB InfraGo AG, both have set the aim to optimise the acceptance of ETCS with minimising the use of resources.
Particularly in the area of procedural processes and the geo-referenced working method for static balise acceptance the project parnter were able to work out quality enhancing actions. Furthermore, the use of a safety analysis of the process (FMEA) laid the foundation for the reliability of the further developed, tool-supported processes. In several demonstrations, both partners were able to show together the successfull use of the developed actions.
Key areas of service
Project Management
Data Management/Digital Map
Security assessment
Special features
The project tested and validated the results achieved on several ETCS routes so that they could then be utilised on routes in the high-speed corridors.
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