Efficient project management for the timely development and integration of ATO into the DB system architecture within the framework of Digital node Stuttgart.
As part of project and document management for the introduction of automatic train operation at DB AG, NEXTRAIL structures and creates the documentation and thereby prepares to take charge of supervising construction. The aim is the generic development of the ATO-TS system, as well as implementation and commissioning within the framework of the Digital node Stuttgart project.
In order to ensure the timely development and integration of ATO into the DB system architecture, risk and stakeholder management are also of great importance. All those involved benefit from NEXTRAIL’s many years of experience in supporting complex technical projects across all phases of the life cycle – from conception to commissioning.
Key areas of service
Preparation to take charge of supervising construction
Holistic and agile project and document management
Supporting stakeholder and risk management
Special features
Innovative technology and new application conditions in railway operations require holistic development support using existing processes, but also by defining and introducing new process steps. The entire life cycle must be monitored together with all stakeholders, which also includes subsequent railway operations as well as functional and technical operational management.
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