Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Liesche
Member of the Executive Board, Principal Consultant
- In-depth expert knowledge of ETCS and system interfaces
- Extensive operational experience in the application of TSI
- Extensive process knowledge in the application of CENELEC standards
- In-depth knowledge of all current activities and developments at the EU level
Jörg Liesche is Principal Consultant and Member of the Executive Board at NEXTRAIL GmbH. With over 25 years of professional experience on the manufacturer side and as a consultant, he has extensive operational and technical expertise – particularly in the area of ETCS and the interfaces to adjacent systems.
Before taking on his role of principal at NEXTRAIL, Jörg Liesche gained in-depth expertise on the technology, structure and design of complex train control and control systems at Siemens’ Radio Block Center (RBC) Development and at one of Germany’s largest engineering companies in the railway sector. From 2003 to 2009, he worked on the UNISIG committees together with the experts from Alstom, Ansaldo STS, Bombardier, Invensys, Siemens and Thales on the further development and detail of the European specifications for ERTMS/ETCS. In addition, he has extensive experience in applying CENELEC standards. Thanks to his many years of activity as a project manager, he has extensive knowledge when it comes to the professional management and collaboration of interdisciplinary teams.
Jörg Liesche graduated with a degree in engineering from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Science at TU Dresden (formerly Hochschule für Verkehrswesen ‘Friedrich List’ Dresden).
Personal project references for Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Liesche
SmartRail 4.0, SBB. Definition of the logic of the APS and representation of the necessary changes (change requests) to the TSI ZZS.
Network access for ÖBB, Alstom, BombardierSiemens AG. , Network access tests for the approval of different vehicles.
Verification E&E SCI-RBC, DB Netz AG. Further development of the standard interface between electronic interlocking systems and RBC.
System integration ETCS L2 Korridor E, ÖBB. Overall coordination of ETCS system integration of Vienna–St Pölten and Unterinntal routes.
JBV ERTMS programme, Ramboll Norge AS. Support for the implementation of ETCS Level 2 in Norway.
The next generation of architecture for SBB’s control and safety technology was developed in the SmartRail 4.0 project. The aim of the project was, among other things, to sustainably increase the achievable track capacity and efficiency of rail transport for the mobility concepts of the future by means of intelligent technologies. A combined ETCS interlocking system was used that features a geometric safety logic at its core.
In addition to the sub-projects TOPO4 and EDP, NEXTRAIL also supported the development of the APS. Based on the operational requirements, among other things, desired changes to the TSI ZZS were determined. These were given to the ERA as change requests via the EUG and represented accordingly.
The Austrian federal railway (ÖBB) conducts network access tests for the approval of different vehicles from different manufacturers. To this end, a dedicated selection of test cases had to be defined and coordinated with the more than 40-strong ÖBB project team and the responsible persons at the respective suppliers. As part of this task, the test scenarios for ETCS Level 1 and Level 2 as well as the transition to intermittent automatic train running control and brake testing were created.
In the course of the technical evolution of standard interfaces, the interface between electronic interlocking systems and the Radio Block Center (RBC) had to be further developed. As part of this task, the E&E documents produced were subjected to comprehensive verification from both a technical and a formal perspective for the safety assessment.
In ÖBB’s follow-up ETCS Level 2 project for system integration of ETCS on Corridor E (Northern Line) – Vienna–St Pölten and Unterinntal – the system integrator assumed the task of overall coordination of all parties involved at the level of the superordinate project supervision. The aim was to coordinate and operationally merge all sub-systems into a functioning overall system and to integrate the new trackside ETCS system on the basis of the project experience and procedure in the previous ÖBB system integration project.
As part of the complete renewal of the control and safety technology – from control systems and interlocking to train control – the Norwegian National Rail Administration (Jernbaneverket – JBV) – launched the implementation of ERTMS in Norway in 2013. ETCS Level 2 was introduced as a new control-command and signalling system. The task within the scope of the project was to provide technical support to JBV, including the preparation of the specifications and the tender documents for the new control and safety technology.