Acceptance measurement of ETCS trackside equipment and project support during commissioning.

In the Koralmbahn project, NEXTRAIL is responsible for preparing the ETCS L2 balise planning, followed by monitoring the implementation of the ETCS supplier's execution planning, including checking the documents through to commissioning.
Once the ETCS trackside equipment has been installed by the ETCS supplier, NEXTRAIL carries out the acceptance measurement to synchronise the ETCS-relevant clearances and element positions.
In 2023 and 2024, monitoring was carried out on the Carinthian side of the Koralm railway. In 2025, the Koralm tunnel and access routes in Styria will be surveyed.
The TRAXIMIZER multi-sensor system, which was specially developed for surveying railway infrastructure, will be used for the survey. The LiDAR-based TRAXIMIZER recording system captures the course of the track and the surrounding area while a traction unit is travelling over it. The recorded 3D point clouds are then analysed and all relevant object positions are georeferenced. This current digital as-built data is checked and validated against the data in the planning and project planning documents. For this purpose, the distance values between the ETCS elements derived from the measurement data are automatically compared with the manufacturer's project planning data. Any deviations that occur can be reported back to the supplier promptly in order to ensure that the commissioning deadlines are met.
Key areas of service
ETCS planning
Surveying with multi-sensor systems (MSS)
Recording of as-built data
Testing the ETCS trackside equipment
Special features
Challenging route survey due to long tunnel sections.
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