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CSM-RA for DSTW maintenance in Mertingen-Meitingen


Mertingen-Meitingen (Donauwörth), September 2023 to ongoing

Regulation of the new work responsibility for the maintenance of the transmission system in the DSTW Mertingen-Meitingen

The Meitingen-Mertingen DSTW is the first digital interlocking on a Deutsche Bahn high-speed line for regional and long-distance traffic with line speeds of up to 200 km/h. It is also one of three pre-series projects for digital control and safety technology (DLST). The Nuremberg - Augsburg - Munich track section is part of the Scandinavia-Mediterranean TEN corridor and one of the central infrastructure projects for Digital Rail Germany (DSD).
The double-track section 5300 was equipped with state-of-the-art safety technology (DLST). Construction work began in February 2019 and the DSTW replaces the two previous relay interlockings from 1958 and 1960 when it goes into operation (IBN) at the beginning of 2024.
Some DB guidelines had to be adapted for the maintenance of the new DSTW, as the work responsibilities for the new technologies (e.g. IT security components) had to be regulated for the first time. For this purpose, a CSM-RA was carried out with the support of NEXTRAIL, in which the interaction of control and safety technology (LST), telecommunications and IT security for the transmission system of the DSTW was evaluated for the first time.

Key areas of service

  • Carrying out a CSM-RA assessment for an organizational change (work responsibility)

  • Initial assessment of the maintenance of the transmission system in the DSTW and the interaction of the LST, TK, IT-Sec trades

Special features

To accommodate the new signaling technology, track concentrators (GFK) were built in the raiload stations of Meitingen and Mertingen as well as a data center for the technical and operating site (TSO/BSO) in Donauwörth. The technical site has been completely redeveloped in accordance with industrial standards and offers maximum availability and protection for the signaling technology.  In addition, high-performance and highly available solutions were implemented for the data and power supply of the signals and points in order to maximize the reliability of the signalling technology. 
One of the most important development and realization goals was the implementation of a protection concept against cyber attacks. To this end, a Security Operation Center (SOC) was set up in Frankfurt, which is used to monitor and analyze all communication on the Meitingen-Mertingen line in 24/7 operation. 
InfraGO AG is thus implementing the requirements of the legislation for critical infrastructures and is therefore also a pioneer in Europe in this area.

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Contact person

Here you will find your contact person for Safety Management
Expertin Dr.-Ing. Sonja-Lara Bepperling

Dr Sonja-Lara Bepperling

Member of the Executive Board, Head of Railway Safety, Registered inspector for equivalent safety and risk assessment
Frankfurt am Main office
Dr Sonja-Lara Bepperling is a member of the Executive Board and Head of Railway Safety at NEXTRAIL GmbH. For 15 years, she has been a proven expert in operational and technical risk analyses in the railway sector – in control-command and signalling system in particular. She possesses methodical expertise in risk and hazard analyses as well as in-depth knowledge of the processes involved in the approval processes.