Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Jurtz
Managing director
- High level of interdisciplinary system knowledge in the railway sector
- Expert in planning and tendering control and safety technology, ETCS
- Experienced in project realisation with railway operators and industry clients at the national and international level
Steffen Jurtz has been one of the managing directors of NEXTRAIL GmbH since 2017. His excellent reputation in the railway industry as a proven expert in the field of control and safety technology is based on his more than 25 years of professional experience as a consultant and partner for lighthouse projects in the area of control and safety technology for well-known railway operators and industry in Germany and abroad.
Before joining NEXTRAIL as managing director and senior consultant, he spent 14 years in the same role for one of Germany’s largest engineering companies in the field of consulting and planning of railway systems, in which he played a key role in building. Before this, Steffen Jurtz was responsible for the project planning and project management of large control and safety technology projects on the system manufacturer side for several years. In addition to his high level of professional and technical expertise, his consultancy work focuses on minimising project duration and risk by developing in-depth inventory and planning documents. For example, implementing interdisciplinary projects and completing them on schedule, even with tight planning periods. In addition to his work at NEXTRAIL, he is a member of the advisory board of the renowned trade magazine ‘Signal & Draht’.
Steffen Jurtz graduated with a degree in engineering from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Science at TU Dresden (formerly Hochschule für Verkehrswesen ‘Friedrich List’ Dresden).
Personal project references for Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Jurtz
SmartRail 4.0, SBB. Technical management of the digital future projects Topo4 and EDP for the Swiss Federal Railways
Stuttgart 21, DB Netz AG. Technical project management for the ETCS Level 2 investigation of the Stuttgart S-Bahn.
ETCS Level 2, ÖBB. Track equipment for ETCS Level 2 on the Kufstein–Brenner, Vienna–St Pölten and Unterinntal routes.
TCS, Berliner S-Bahn. Management of planning and testing processes for digital control and monitoring technology.
The next generation of architecture for SBB’s control and safety technology was developed in the SmartRail 4.0 project. The aim of the project was, among other things, to sustainably increase the achievable track capacity and efficiency of rail transport for the mobility concepts of the future by means of intelligent technologies. A combined ETCS interlocking system was used that features a geometric safety logic at its core.
NEXTRAIL supported the two sub-projects TOPO4 and EDP. TOPO4 serves as input for the geometric backup logic to continuously guarantee true and secure typological and topographical infrastructure data over the entire life cycle. EDP enabled the development of a semi-automated project planning process for SmartRail 4.0, focusing on the ETCS interlocking system and the connected systems (e.g. object controller).
Feasibility study to increase quality and capacity on the main line of the Stuttgart S-Bahn by means of a condensed block division with ETCS and ATO GoA 2 – all at the same time as the commissioning of the Stuttgart 21 railway project. The first of its kind in the world, this study revealed that it is already possible to use ATO GoA 2 to operate trains automatically at short notice in order to sustainably increase the operational quality and, in future, also the capacity of the lines. The holistic view of the study encompassed the following dimensions: engineering, certification, operations, planning, radio transmission, cost estimation and equipment strategy.
Lead contributor in the implementation of ETCS Level 2 on the Kufstein–Brenner route and on the new Vienna–St Pölten route throughout all project phases and through to commissioning. The technical basis, operating procedures and preliminary planning work have been completed for equipping these first ETCS Level 2 routes of the Austrian federal railways (ÖBB). In addition, the prepared specifications then served as the basis for preparing and supporting the invitation to tender.
Project management for the creation of planning and testing processes for the introduction of the digital train control system (TCS) for the Berlin S-Bahn. In order to meet the security and capacity challenges of the future in public transport in the capital city, the integration of digital control and monitoring technology will offer a level of control and safety comparable to that of ETCS.