Study on the ETCS vehicle equipment for regional vehicles of the Stuttgart railway junction

Ministry of Transport Baden-WĂ¼rttemberg

Frankfurt am Main, March 2018 to end of 2019
Rolling Stock Digital Interlocking/CBTC

Based on this study, various decisions were made regarding the procurement of new fleets, and the foundation was laid for the tendering of vehicle retrofits. The retrofit has been commissioned.

As part of the Stuttgart 21 (S 21) project, the Stuttgart railway junction is to be equipped with the ETCS train control system. In order to ensure full interoperability, ETCS is intended to replace the multitude of country-specific systems as a uniform train control system throughout Europe. ETCS creates additional operational capacity through continuous train control and cab signalling. These can be fully utilised if all vehicles travelling on ETCS routes are equipped with an ETCS on-board unit (OBU).


NEXTRAIL was commissioned to prepare a study on the ETCS project. The aim of the study was to establish the foundation for the subsequent invitation to tender and award of contract for retrofitting the ETCS fleet and to define the requirements for the latter. This included both the setting of timelines and creating an estimate of the retrofitting costs and other expenses. The retrofit has been commissioned.

Key areas of service

  • Vehicle fleet analysis

  • Creating the equipment requirements catalogue

  • Consideration of the interfaces and the TCMS

  • Identification of retrofitting strategies, costs and risks

  • Assistance in applying for EU funding

  • ETCS

Special features

Vehicle rotation had to be ensured throughout the retrofitting period. As a result, the project participants had to consider a number of alternative scenarios for procuring necessary replacement vehicles and replacing entire fleets for a limited period of time.

Contact person

Here you will find your contact person for Training and Strategy and concepts
Experte Dr. Michael Leining

Dr Michael Leining

Managing director
Frankfurt am Main office
Dr Michael Leining is the managing director of NEXTRAIL GmbH. As a driver of the digitisation of the railways, he works closely with pioneering thinkers, decision makers and committees in the railway sector, advising railway and infrastructure operators on technology and transformation projects at the national and international level.